The final goodbye

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Family, Family & Food

She walked downstairs to put the extra milk in the refrigerator when she heard it…a painful yelping coming from the garage. Immediately, she dropped what she was doing and opened the garage door. Inside, her beautiful old dog, Abby, was laying on her bed, crying out for help.

She quickly walked over and laid her hands on Abby’s head, saying, “It’s OK, girl. I’m here. It’s OK.”

Abby's cute face!  She was always a good dog.
Such a pretty dog!

She called upstairs. “It’s happening again.”

He came running down, bursting into the garage. He walked over to Abby, shaking his head.

“Look…she has a large scrape right on her head, and she can’t move.” she said.

He replied, “That wasn’t there when I carried her in 20 minutes ago.”

“I think it’s time,” she answered.

She called the vet’s office and made arrangements to bring Abby in. It was the hardest call she had ever made. It would be closing time soon. “Try to get her here in the next 20 minutes or so,” they said.

They had been preparing the boys for weeks now, knowing the end was fast approaching for sweet Abby. She was nearly 15 years old at this time, and had been part of the family since she was just a little puppy.

Abby was less than a year old in this picture.  She was an adorable puppy!
Abby was less than a year in this photo. She was a cute dog!

So many happy memories with Abby. She had been a fierce protector of the family, always letting them know when unknown people were nearby. If Abby was around, no-one outside the family was getting close to the children. She was a great friend to them all.

Abby had joined the family one October day 14 years earlier. The boys weren’t even born yet, but their older siblings were excited to bring home the adorable puppy.

The Humane Society said she was an Australian Shepard, Border Collie mix. She was the runt of the litter, a cute little thing, and maybe that’s why they chose her in the first place.

Abby gave them many happy years and lots of great memories. She was always an integral part of the family.

He wrapped Abby in a towel and gently lifted her up. Carrying her up the stairs, he talked softly to her.

The boys got themselves ready and climbed into the car.

He laid her gently in the back of the van, patting her gently to keep her calm.

They all knew what was coming. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

Abby with J in her final year.  J just loved her!
J with Abby during her final year.

She talked to the boys, letting them know that it would happen once they arrived. She was going to stay in the room the whole time, so Abby was never alone. He didn’t know if he could do that.

It was up to each of the boys to decide what they needed or wanted to do. There was no right or wrong answer today.

J, the older boy, knew he wanted to stay. P, the younger boy, also wanted to stay, but he wasn’t too sure.

The vet came in and explained what would happen. He would give Abby a strong sedative, and she would get sleepy. Then, he would give her another, stronger sedative that would stop her bodily functions. That would be it.

P decided he didn’t want to stay in the room for the second shot, so he was going to go out with P when that happened.

The vet came in and prepared to give Abby the first shot. He explained everything as he was doing it, and then left the room.

Abby was so relaxed, and not in an ounce of pain, so P decided he wanted to stay in the room.

It was decided…they would all stay.

Everyone continued to pet Abby, letting her know how much they loved her. J and P both gave her kisses.

She asked everyone what their favorite memories of Abby were, and the room filled with cute stories and smiles, in spite of the sad undertones.

When the vet returned to the room, he clipped a tourniquet around Abby’s front leg, and prepared her for the second shot. She was so relaxed, surrounded by her loving family.

After the second injection, Abby’s life was over within seconds.

The vet announced, “Everything has stopped.”

They all cried. It happened faster than they had expected, and it was hard to believe Abby was gone.

They all kissed her goodbye one more time, petting their beloved companion.

She removed Abby’s collar gently, and it all sank in.

They walked out the door without their sweet Abby.

This was the final goodbye.